I'm New to the World of Missions
What should I expect?

One of the most frequentlty asked questions by someone who has never traveled on a Missions trip before is "WHY spend money overseas when there are people HERE who need it?"   I do get asked that question alot.  My 1st response is that the Bible says in James 1:27,  "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this:  to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." 

I often say,  the average person might sit in a Church Missions service, and throw in $100 bill, and feel good about himself.... BUT.... if that same individual GOES on a missions trip, & experiences what its all about,  they might over their lifetime give 10's of thousands of dollars to help the poor and needy.  I always like to call missions trips my  'LIFE RESET BUTTON.'   It always puts life back into perspective for me...PLUS... I get to meet some of the most precious people, & I always get to be part of a FUN missions team... (& our teams always become like a close family).    It also feels so good to serve those who cannot pay you back, & usually cannot serve themselves. 

Here are some questions you may be asking yourself:

  • Is it safe to travel overseas?
  • What are the people like there?
  • Where will I stay?
  • What will I eat?
  • What do I wear?
  • Can I drink the water?
  • How long is the airplane ride?
  • Is it super expensive?

These are all great questions that we answer during our team meetings before we go.  I hear testimony after testimony of how going on a missions trip has changed peoples lives forever!  Many of the people that have traveled with me over the years have actually found their meaning and purpose on these trips.  

I want to encourage you to start praying about where God would have you to go.  We have different trips each year,  providing Hope and Healing to the Nations of the World.  

World Missions Adventure... "Let's go make a difference"

May God Richly Bless You,

Mark & Debbie Blum